Reading for Pleasure Open University

We are excited to announce that from September we will be taking part in the Open University Reading for Pleasure Programme.

Our aim is to establish a reading for Pleasure culture throughout our school and the wider community by engaging in training for all staff, exciting reading opportunities for our pupils and their families.

RfP is a tool for social justice as those who read recreationally in their own time are advantaged in multiple ways- so addressing this will help us work towards enhanced equity and, in the long run, raise standards. RSP isn’t a package, a set of lesson plans or scheme of work.

Participation in this programme will help us (as a staff team) audit and develop our knowledge and practice, attend to childrens’ attitudes and voices and plan responsively, ensuring purposeful sustained development.

The programme is year-long (Sept-July), aligned to curriculum expectations and the DfE Reading Framework (July 2023). Through participation in the programme, all staff will be developing a richer understanding of the research evidence, enhancing subject knowledge and pedagogy for RfP.

The goal is building sustainable reading communities, with a positive impact on pupils’ reading attitudes and attainment by using a measured and planned approach, bespoke to our school’s specific context.

For further information please visit Reading For Pleasure - Reading for Pleasure (



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