School Lunches

Pyrcroft Grange Primary School has appointed a new exciting company to provide freshly cooked lunch times meals for the pupils.  The company is Paula Scott Catering and you can view their website here. The company pride themselves on using local fresh ingredients whenever possible providing a balanced nourishable meal and helping the environment with reduced transport.

They will be providing a choice of three main meals per day, catering for vegetarian and vegans, following by a dessert.

School Menu

During the term there will also be special meals for the pupils. 

If your child does not normally have a school meal but would like to receive a meal on these special days please complete school form which will be emailed to parents. The cost will be the same as a normal meal of £2-80.

World Book Day Meal - 6th March

PS Catering will provide a special menu for pupils with special dietary requirement.  Please complete and return the form direct to the school and they will forward to PS Catering to arrange a special menu which will be sent to you to agree before being started.

Special Dietary Requirement FormIf your child has a special diet requirement due to religious/personal belief please complete the school’s religious/personal beliefs form.

Religious/Personal Belief Dietary FormPupils in Reception, year 1 and year 2 are entitled to a free school meal under the government’s Universal Infant Free School Meal which started in 2014.

Pupils in other years - Nursery, years 3 to year 6 - may be eligible for Free School Meals.  Please complete the attached form to check if you are eligible.

Free School Menu Application Form

If your child does not qualify for Free School the charge per day is £2.80 weekly cost £14-00.

This is cheaper than a supermarket meal deal for a hot two course meal.

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