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Little Gems
We are so proud of the way our new Little Gems have settled into nursery life. Our returning children have also made us proud; they have been extremely welcoming. It is lovely to watch new friendships develop and see the children’s confidence grow.
Little Gems have been looking at Light and Dark this half term, they have enjoyed learning about the animals that live among us but only come out at night. You could ask them what word we use to describe these animals and to name a couple of them.
We have looked at the artist Van Gough and his picture The Starry Night, the children enjoyed creating their own versions using paint, tissue paper, bottle tops and different textured materials.
This term we have looked at different celebrations that our friends celebrate with their families such as Diwali. We also created our own poppies for Remembrance Day and learnt about why we wear them.
The children enjoyed discovering ice in our garden on a very frosty and cold day. We talked about how it got there, and how we could melt it. They decided we needed the sun to help melt it or they could use their warm hands!
They have also enjoyed learning to play board games while recognising numbers one to three.
The children have worked extremely hard learning all our Christmas songs, we hope you enjoyed our Christmas Concert.
We would like to welcome some new children to our Little Gems Family. They have settled in lovely and have begun to make new friendships.
This term we have been looking at numbers three, four and five. The children have enjoyed singing number rhymes, making pasta necklaces and ladybirds with the correct amount of spots.
We enjoyed learning about shapes with four and five sides, we used the artist Piet Mondrian and made some of our own square and rectangles paintings.
The children loved science week where we looked at dinosaur bones and fossils, we tried out our skills as engineers using our dinosaur Jenga balancing set.
We have been talking about healthy choices when choosing different foods, the children loved our fruit tasting and then made a lovely fruit salad with the fruits we tasted. We are so proud of how they are keen to try new foods, they showed us this not only with the fruit tasting but when we celebrated Chinese New Year, they tried Chinese food too.
During our phonics sessions, our preschoolers have begun to learn the sound ‘s,’ ‘a,’ ‘t’,’p’ ‘i’ and ‘n’. Our younger children have been taking part in listening games and can now identify many environmental sounds.
During our PE lessons we have been learning new dances and had the opportunity to use some of the climbing equipment.